How many students will be admitted to the program each term?

No more than fourteen students each term.

How do I apply?

Head on over to the application form; we will need some basic information about you and your most export-ready projects.

Is there a cost to apply?

Yes, there is a $45 application fee, which is payable by credit card once you’ve filled out the application form.

What is the cost for the program in full?

The program costs $4,999 USD. This covers the administrative cost as well as payment to speakers and mentors.

I don’t have my own export-ready project, can I still apply?

Yes, but you will get more out of the program if you can find a project or a specific goal to focus on.

What is the typical course load?

The virtual sessions take 3-4 hours once a month. In addition to this, you should be prepared to work for 4-8 hours between each session.

What is the time commitment?

The program runs for six months, starting in September 2023. It consists of six sessions that each take 3-4 hours. In addition to this, you should be prepared to work for 4-8 hours between each session.

Where will this program take place?

The sessions will all take place virtually over Zoom.